Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Real Toy Store

Introducing our newest stockists of our canvas range, the Toy store at Market Fair, Campbelltown, NSW. Now! This would have to be one of my most favourite toy stores. What I have found is they stock those hard to find toys, you know - the ones we grew up with! The good old toys like wooden push toys on sticks, Playmobile, old fashioned push cars, gorgeous Tolo Baby Toys, beautiful doll houses, awesome trucks for boys including a fire truck that blows bubbles! Aaaah I could go on and on. If you are in the area, pop in and say hello & see our canvases in "real life". The owners Sue and Barry are just lovely and would be more than happy to help you.

 Some of our canvases

I know where I'm doing my Christmas shopping!

The Toy Shop, open 7 days, Shop 24 Market Fair, corner of Narellan Rd & Kellicar Rd, Campbelltown, NSW. Phone: 02 46273 222


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh Simone,
    I love that store too, wish we had something like that here...
    and how good to your canvases look on display, just gorgeous... well done.
    Thank you for sharing...xx


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